Partnership is everything, yes, everything! Right from the book of Genesis where God declared ‘let us make man in our image’ to the ministry of Jesus and the early apostles, the bible teaches that Partnership is God’s way. I learnt that in two interesting ways.



One night I had a dream, in this dream ‘I saw myself fishing with a fishing rod and as I cast the rod, I would catch a fish occasionally and at other times some piece of rubbish or the other thing. I woke up from the cream asking the Lord, what do you mean by this Lord? And he said to me, did you notice that in the bible, the fishermen did not use fishing rods or lines, they used nets? So create net (works) of believers, ministries and Churches for the purposes of revival and evangelism. Networks are partnerships, the greater the net (works) the greater the possibility of greater harvests.

So from that time, that has been my goal, to create networks of men, ministries and churches for the work of evangelism.


I was praying one day and the Lord gave me a mini vision and spoke these words into my spirit ‘the twin arms of Moses’, I saw in my spirit, Moses on the mountain, his hands raised up and Joshua out on the fields fighting against the Amalekites. You remember the story, as long as Moses’ hands were up, Joshua and Israelites had the upper hand, but when Moses grew tired and his hands went down, the Amalekites had the upper hand, so Aaron and Hur decided to give Moses a hand by holding up his hands till victory was wrought. (Exodus 17 : 8 – 13 ).

The Lord said to me, battle was not won on the field, its end was determined by what happened to Moses, he said, ‘the twin hands of Moses represents the hands of prayer and finance, for as long as both are held up, the victory is sure!



Our partners are believers, churches, organizations and ministries that either are part of our net (work) for evangelism and revival or friends and partners who hold up the arms of prayer and finance in Jesus Heals the Sick Ministries.

It is not prayer alone neither is it finances alone but prayer and finances, that gets the job done. Partners are kingdom minded people, they understand what it is to seek first the kingdom of God and its righteousness but they also know that by doing this they are positioning themselves to have all things added to them.

Partners recognize that by holding up the hands of those God through Jesus has sent out, they are literally holding up the hands and ministry of Jesus, they see beyond the individual, they see Jesus at work.



There are rewards to those who hold up the hands and ministry of Jesus, the victory of Joshua was a victory for the whole Israel, when Partnership works as God intended it, the body of Jesus benefits greatly, the enemy is defeated everywhere and put to flight.

However there are personal rewards to partners, rewards that come from the hands of Jesus himself.  The book of Hebrews states clearly ‘God is a rewarder’, that says a lot, it means that it is God’s nature to reward, God’s rewards come in so many ways, for example Jesus said

He who receives you receives me, and he who receives me receives the one who sent me. Anyone who receives a prophet because he is a prophet will receive a prophet’s reward, and anyone who receives a righteous man because he is a righteous man will receive a righteous man’s reward. And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones because he is my disciple, I tell you the truth, he will certainly not lose his reward.

Matt 10:40-42 NIV

And this is just one way that rewards come to those who understand God’s purpose in Partnership, you remember Peter’s overflowing harvest? Luke 5: 1-5, or the great woman in Shunnem in 2 Kings 4? What about the small boy with five loaves and two fishes, that received 12 baskets overflow?

Paul the Apostle put it like this to his partners ‘My God shall supply all your needs in accordance with his riches in glory in Christ Jesus’ Phil 4:19

Good and great things happen to those who are partners with the Lord!


Thank God for you Pastor Tonye Oliver.

I appreciate the opportunity to say something, about “Jesus Heals The Sick Ministries”, the impact of it and how I generally see it, as one who has partnered with the ministry over the years.

Many believers have been made to feel that they are second class Christians because they have been unable to lay claim to certain experiences, such as speaking in tongues or some amazing instance of supernatural healing. Pastor Tonye Oliver seeks to encourage such people and to help those who have been moving in circles in which there is so much enthusiasm, so much warmth, so much that is exciting, but where they have personally discovered that much that was promised them at the outset has not in fact been delivered.

Pastor Tonye Oliver, teaches from a pastoral concern to open the eyes of God people know  that Jesus still heals today. He urges his hearers to stop living in a fantasy world and calls them to wake up to biblical truth and reality.

Pastor Tonye Oliver has gained a wealth of wisdom and experience within the years I knew him and has been greatly been used by God. Anything he teaches and preaches is biblical, necessary and sane. I value his bold witness.

 Pastor Job Maduforo Ohuka,

Senior Pastor, Grace Doctrine church.

 Aba. Abia State, Nigeria.