God wants you well, whole and healthy in every area of your life; this is His will for every person that He has created, anything less than this is less than His best for you. As I read through the scriptures I come to the amazing conclusion I have made above.
God does not want anyone sick, Jesus is proof of that, He went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil, If you would reach out for your healing, Jesus will make you whole.
There is a story that to my mind typifies this more than any other in the scriptures and it is found in Mark’s Gospel
And there was a woman who had had a flow of blood for twelve years,
And who had endured much suffering under [the hands of] many physicians and had spent all that she had, and was no better but instead grew worse.
She had heard the reports concerning Jesus, and she came up behind Him in the throng and touched His garment,
For she kept saying, If I only touch His garments, I shall be restored to health.
And immediately her flow of blood was dried up at the source, and [suddenly] she felt in her body that she was healed of her [distressing] ailment.
Mark 5:25-29 AMP
Every time I read this story it so jumps out at me and shows me how anyone can get healed today.
The beauty of this story lies in the revelation of the process that led to her healing; sometimes people get so caught up in the end product of healing that they don’t pay as much attention to the PROCESS.
The secret to how you or anybody else can get healed lies in the process, please understand this God is no respecter of persons and His presence, power and willingness to heal or restore has not diminished over time. If any person will reproduce the process He will reproduce the result.
You remember the Bible says, Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever, what does this mean?
It means Jesus is to you today what He was to the people yesterday, if you approach Him in the way they did He will meet you, He is no respecter of persons.
Whenever I have the opportunity to I impress it on the people who listen to me that the people in the bible were ordinary everyday people like us, they never imagined that the things they did and experienced would be written for us today, but it was, God made it so because He knew you would need the encouragement and the assurance that reading those stories would bring.
I have seen this over time in our healing schools and in my day to day interactions with people, people are reproducing these miracles of healing in their daily lives, this process will work for any kind of healing we desire, whether physical, emotional, spiritual or even financial. God is a healer and the gospel was designed to bring us healing through faith in Jesus Christ.
Taking the first step
Verse 27 gives us the first clue as to the steps she undertook in her journey to health and healing
She heard reports about Jesus; I wonder what she must have heard about Jesus? Maybe she heard of a couple of miracles or healings that must have taken place in his ministry or she may have heard that He publicly announced that He was anointed to heal the sick, one thing she could not have heard was that He was God, no one knew that yet, whatever it was she heard it was enough to make her reach for her healing.
Jesus said of himself
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor.
He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the oppressed will be set free
And that the time of God’s favour has come.
Luke 4:18 -19 (Message bible)
This is Jesus himself declaring why He was anointed, I daresay every human need falls into one or the other of these categories.
As we seek healing, we need to remind ourselves of what Jesus can do or what He is doing today through any of the means He is working through, a lot of people come for prayers without such preparation, they come hoping that God will sympathize with their position and somehow heal them, God sympathizes alright, but it is faith not sympathy that connects to God and faith comes by hearing God’s message. Don’t try to get healed by accident! Be deliberate based on your faith. Desire healing and wholeness and move towards the healer!
One of the most powerful ways to come to a place of conviction about God’s will for your health is to spend time in the gospels, see Jesus at work then and realize He is the same today as He was then! Listen to testimonies of God at work today through ordinary people, there are stories out there of what God is doing, real verifiable testimonies of God’s power today.
And another step
The second thing we see from that same verse is that she came, that is not only did she hear, she reached out for her healing, it was all her, she was the active person in the process, she sought for an opportunity to make contact with Jesus, too many people have this mindset that says ‘God knows what I am going through, if He wants to reach me He can,’ they are passive when it comes to God but run all over the place looking for other forms of help. This woman had been down that road before she heard about Jesus, but when she heard, she came.
Think about this for a minute, if anybody had a reason to be skeptical it was this woman, for twelve long years she had endured many disappointments and I am sure humiliating experiences, but one thing about her, she never gave up hope, she kept on until she came in contact with Jesus.
What you hear about Jesus is crucial, it is your responsibility to put you self in a place where you can hear who Jesus truly is and what He can do, people have all sorts of opinions about who Jesus is, but only God’s word can give us a true revelation of Jesus.
The step that changes things
The third thing we see is that she reached out and touched Jesus, in other words she exercised her faith she acted on her conviction that Jesus was the source of her healing, to fully understand what she did look at the 28th verse
For she kept saying, If I only touch His garments, I shall be restored to health.
Mark 5:28 AMP
Why did she do this? It was because what she was making was a statement of what she believed, it was her faith talking
Jesus told her ‘your faith has made you well’
Please listen to me, your faith is your only connection to the power of God, what is this faith? It is your unswerving conviction based on what you believe of what will happen when you make contact with Jesus.
Jesus said He was anointed, this woman heard this and believed and based on that she decided that if she was able to touch Jesus she would be well, she did exactly what she determined and she got the result she expected.
To be sure she was not the only one touching Jesus because we read
Jesus realized at once that healing power had gone out of him, so he turned around in the crowd and asked,” who touched my robe?”
His disciples said to him, “look at how crowd pressing around you. How can you ask, “who touched my robe”
So people were touching Jesus, pressing on Him, but only this woman was touching him and expecting a definite result!
I see this many times over, people come hoping that something will happen, others come and it is like ‘well if something happens good but if not life goes on’ , some others come to ‘test’ and see, but they all discovered the same thing, it is only faith that brings the power of God into our situation.
After 20+ years in the healing ministry, this is my conviction that if people would get their faith to work, it will produce the healing they need.
God does not want anyone sick, Jesus is proof of that, He went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil, If you would reach out for your healing, Jesus will make you whole.
In closing let me say this, in spite of all the noise and confusion in the Church world today, Jesus is still anointing many people and sending them forth in His name to bring the love, power and salvation of God to the many who need to saved, healed and delivered. If you truly desire his help, ask Him and He will send someone your way, I am sure of that. He loves you, He died for you and reigns for you!
Look at this video!