Tonye Oliver is the President of Jesus Heals the Sick Ministries.He received a commission to take the healing power of God to this generation in an out of the body experience in which Jesus appeared to Him, he describe this experience thus. .
“As I slept one night on the settee in the sitting room, I suddenly felt ‘caught up’ into sky and I saw myself looking down from the sky and I said to myself “this can’t be true”, I am supposed to be sleeping, yes I know I was lying on the couch, (I could see my body on it) but in the spirit I was carried in the air at great speed, apprehension filled my heart, I couldn’t stop the movement, until after a while, I stopped outside a crusade ground, I walked in and sat down, I heard the message through, then I went behind the platform to talk to the minister. A tall figure in white (Jesus) came to me and asked me to kneel down, He then laid His hands and said “take my healing power to your generation” I felt a strong magnetic force working between my hands, then I came back into myself”..

Tonye and Bike Oliver are the President and Vice- President of Jesus Heals the Sick Ministries.
Called to take the healing power of Jesus to this generation, Over the years, the core of this call has been built around the healing schools and the crusades ministry, with a powerful gift for presenting the gospel, he ministers the word of God with a strong healing anointing and a teaching ministry that is impacting lives. He has a passion for imparting the truth and the life of the kingdom, stirring up God’s people to discover their purpose and ministries and to fulfill it. He has served as a chapter chairman of the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (Umbrella body for Pentecostal Christians in Nigeria) and is presently the State Deputy Publicity Director of the same body. Bike has an anointed teaching ministry, delivering the word of God with grace and power. They are members of the International Fellowship of Ministries (IFM) based in Seattle,Washington.
I. The Inspiration of the Scriptures The Bible is the revealed Word of God, written by men, inspired by the Holy Spirit, and is the answer to human need. It is a light upon our path to point us to God and tell us how to live the kind of rich, full, abundant life intended for us by God through Christ Jesus our Lord. (See Psalm 119:105, John 10:10, I Thessalonians 2:13, II Timothy 3:15-17, II Peter 1:20,21.).
II. The Personality of the Threefold Godhead—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit There is one true God, but He has three expressions of Himself: God the Father, invisible; God the Son, the Word made flesh; and God the Holy Spirit, moving and dealing with man. (See Matthew 28:19, Mark 12:29, Luke 3:22, John 1:14-18, I Corinthians 2:9,10, I John 5:7)
III. The Deity of Jesus Christ—His Virgin Birth, Sinless Life, Miracles, Vicarious Atoning Death, Bodily Resurrection, and Ascension to the Right Hand of the Father