During the anointing service, when the man of God called for people who wanted to commit themselves to the service of God afresh, I came forward, when hand were laid on me I had a vision, I saw an angel that took me to a field with ripe, harvest, the angel said to me ‘bring’ in the harvest, preach the gospel, it was so real I thought I was really in the place, but when I opened my eyes I was still in the auditorium. Pastor J.
I had an operation sometime last year, since then I have always felt a sharp pain around that area particularly when I cough, on Thursday I came forward to be prayed for and hands were laid on me since than I have not felt the pain, I have been coughing testing it and still no pain, praise God! Sis R.
I had pain in my stomach that was healed during ministration, God also healed my mind, for a while I’ve been very troubled in my mind, but during prayers the man of God mentioned that, when He prayed God healed me. Sis. E.

About two weeks ago, I had a dream, in that dream someone shot me with a gun in my back, when I woke up I said ‘this is not a good dream’, but I prayed about it and left it off, but a couple of days later, I began to have very severe pains at that spot where I was shot, the pains were so severe that I could not turn or twist my back, in fact I could not walk upright, but on Wednesday I managed to come for the Prayer Fellowship, while there I told Pastor Tonye about it, He then proceeded to pray and rebuke the devil, I really believed when he prayed, by the end of the day I was feeling substantially better and by the following day, the pain had disappeared. Edith
Some years back, when I gave birth to my daughter, I had difficulties, during delivery her hand was injured, so that she practically lost the use of the hand, but thanks to God due to physiotherapy she was able to regain partial use of the hand, but she has never been able to raise her hand above her shoulder, but this morning as the Pastor was ministering to the sick, the Lord touched her and for the first time she is able to raise her hand above her head. Praise the Lord. Sis V. A.C.C Anthony Village.
Have been suffering from chronic headache for sometime, but I was healed when hands were laid on me , in fact I didn’t feel able to come for the school of Healing and deliverance because of my condition, but I said to myself, if I didn’t go for the school, how will I get healed? So I came and God healed me. Praise God!. Sis M. A. R.C.C.G Elim Sanctuary.
I used to have high blood pressure and a constant head ache, but when the Man of God laid hands on me, the head ache disappeared and the blood pressure is now normal. Sis .C.

Calvary greetings to you in the name of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ. I bless the name of the Lord for bringing me into contact with you and your ministry sir. The Lord will continue to anoint you afresh, strengthen and uphold you till the day of His coming in Jesus name, Amen. I now test HIV NEGATIVE, confirmed to the glory of God. My regards to the ministry members. The Lord will continue to bless your ministry to the glory of your name in Jesus name. amen John Osagede
I have been sent out of the field (mission) and I have been praying to God for the equipment for the work, in fact I was particularly praying for the discerning of spirits, before healing school on one of the nights, before he started teaching Pastor T, asked for somebody who wanted to receive something form God, immediately I ran out, even though he asked for only one person many of us rushed out, he laid hands on us and prayed and to my surprise, since then God has opened my eyes on occasion to show me some things. Sis .Deborah.
Some hours to the time of the Healing Seminar on Friday, I came to the church where I met the Pastor praying, he called me to join him in prayer after we had prayed for about 30mins. He asked me to leave that God will release some gift, into my life during the seminar. During the seminar, I was surprised to see the way God opened my eyes, I begin to see events and things through visions, I saw and angel healing some people during the message and even a woman whose prayer for a child was answered. Bro. K. Omoyele F.T. (Lagos)

I was in the worship service last week but I was not feeling fine at all, I was feverish and my body ached all over, but as Pastor Tonye was preaching, he began to minister to people, suddenly I began to feel the aches and pain leave, the fever stopped and today one week later, I am still healed. Praise God. Emmanuel Obekpa
I came into the programme late on Saturday, when I came in., I discovered that my little daughter was running a fever with temperature, after the meeting I brought her to the Pastor and he laid hands and prayed, but by the time I got home, I said to Jesus; the Pastor said, you appeared to him and anointed him to heal the sick, if he is truly your servant, then let my child be healed in the next five minutes. To the glory of God, when I picked up the child again, I noticed that the fever was broken and she was sweating! Praise the Lord. Sister D R.C.C. G. Hosanna Parish
God healed me from a pain in my chest, yesterday the pastor laid hands on me even though I still felt a bit of pain afterwards, I held on to my faith and by this morning the pain had gone. Bro J.
The Pastor gave a word of knowledge concerning a sister who was bed-wetting, “ I was just coming to the church for the first time, so I was ashamed to say it was me, but the Pastor said that the person should see him after the service, so after the service I went to see him, he prayed for me I believe I am healed. Anonymous R.C.C. G. Hosanna Parish
I had arthritis for a long time and I also had acute headache, when the servant of God laid his hands on me, I felt a cold sensation on my head and the acute headache and arthritis of a long time disappeared. Mrs. B. O. R.C.C. G. Hosanna Parish
“I thank God for the outpouring of His Spirit upon me: before this seminar, I was spiritually weak, but to the glory of God, on Monday when the pastor was praying for the sick, I felt a burning sensation in me heart, since that day till now (five day later), and the Lord has totally revived my spirit, soul and body, I can now testify and preach the gospel of Christ everywhere, anywhere Praise the Lord!” Sis P. O. R.C.C.E Elim Sanctuary.