All these are examples of restorative works of God
However in this end times I believe we are going to see revival, restoration and reformation all together.
This is because what began with the protestant reformation centuries ago is being concluded with the apostolic reformation or as some call it restoration, this is the restoration of the Church to her default operational settings as delivered to us by the Apostles of the Lamb.
The coming revival will bring reformation and restoration, it will bring healing to the Church and nations aligning them to God’s intended purpose for creation through Jesus in a way that has never been seen since the apostolic era, that is for those who will receive it.
Some time ago, the Lord gave me a vision of this revival, I share below a couple of things He showed me about this revival when I saw this vision over 10 years ago. This coming revival will be worldwide and is very imminent, I saw this revival as an aircraft that was about to taxi down the runway, the pilot had started the engine preparatory to taking off.
It would see people walking in the revelation of Christ- This is the hallmark of true apostolic ministry, apostles are special messengers of the Lord Jesus Christ. To be part of this revival you had to pay a price, you have to respond to a call to follow Jesus in a new way, you have to be willing to break ecclesiastical traditions, abandon long held notions and in some cases be willing to suffer some broken relationships.
Things that Jesus said would happen to those who chose to follow Him.
This revival will not be led by one person, it will be difficult to identify a leader in the way that we have with major works in the past. Its leadership will be very dynamic and fluid as led by the Spirit of Jesus.
One of the things the Lord showed me about this end time move is that it will begin in a very ordinary way, so ordinary that many would miss its beginnings. Another thing the Lord showed me is that many believers will ‘miss it’, I am not saying will miss heaven but rather their part in this great end time move of the Spirit even though they have been called to be a part of it.
There are many possible reasons for this but I think the one that jumps at me the most is that they were unwilling to leave the established thoughts and patterns of our religiosity to find Christ in the way that He wants us to find Him today
The great move of God that began through Jesus Christ was first directed to his own, he came to His own called people and called them to follow Him, it is so today, Jesus is standing at the door of the Church knocking and asking us to let Him in, he is inviting us to follow him.
It is in doing so we enter into revival and experience reformation
The coming revival will be accompanied by so much persecution because hell will be unleashed against the glory but it will not prevail. I believe that this revival will culminate in the return of the Lord and the beginning of the great tribulation.
1 Comment
This is a great teaching . Thank you sir