Catch up on episodes of the Healing Where You Are
Taking the Healing Power of Jesus to this Generation…

How to experience the power of God in your life

Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever

For God so loved the world

God has not changed His mind

God has a miracle for every need

What must I do to be saved?

How to get your faith to work for you

The words of this life


- Look & Live

Have faith in God

Episode 17 – The Wages of Sin
How to experience the power of God in your life
In this video Apostle Oliver, shares on how to experience the miracle power of God, God’s power is present through the anointing of the Holy Spirit, through these teachings you will learn how to activate that power in your life. A must watch -
Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever
Nothing gives as much hope and peace as the revelation that the Jesus of the Bible is still the same today. In a world conflicted by sin, sickness and satanic oppression of all sorts, this is really great news -
For God so loved the world
In this message Apostle Oliver highlights the exceedingly great latitude of God’s love and his great gift of life through Jesus Christ to reconcile a rebellious and prodigal world. Jesus is the exceedingly great and precious revelation of God’s love -
God has not changed His mind
God has not changed his mind concerning his original intention and purposes towards mankind. He said in His word, I know the thoughts I think towards you, thoughts of peace not of evil. Today through Jesus He is working to bring us into an alignment with his perfect thoughts of good and peace. His thoughts are thoughts of peace, provision, healing, righteousness and joy. -
God has a miracle for every need
The Lord spoke these words to my heart many years ago during a time of prayer, there is no human need that the power of God cannot meet. No situation that God’s love cannot resolve, this was true in the scriptures and it is still true today. Be encouraged to reach out to the Lord for healing where you are. The Lord spoke these words to my heart many years ago during a time of prayer, there is no human need that the power of God cannot meet. No situation that God’s love cannot resolve, this was true in the scriptures and it is still true today. Be encouraged to reach out to the Lord for healing where you are. -
What must I do to be saved?
Do you have anything to do with your salvation, or healing & deliverance? Is there anything you can do to receive these blessings from the Lord or is it all up to God to save, heal or deliver whosoever he wants to? In this video message, Apostle Oliver answers that question form the experience of the Philippian Jailor in Acts 16:30. -
How to get your faith to work for you
This message highlights the power of active faith, it is faith that is alive and active that is productive. Preaching from the word of God Apostle Oliver shows you how your faith can work for you. -
The words of this life
Apostle Oliver preaches a captivating message highlighting the message of life which Jesus brought and which his first followers proclaimed. This life is a life so strong that the powers of hell quake and shake at the thought of the many who may lay hold on it. -
This is one of Apostle Oliver’s special messages, do you want to know what really saves? This message highlights this one important truth. Religion, good works, prayers without faith in Jesus Christ offers no salvation. This message is very useful for religions with very strong emphasis on good works as a path to salvation. -
- Look & Live
When look at Jesus what do you see? A man, a great teacher or the Christ, the lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world? What you look upon is what you experience. There can be no faith without revelation, no possessing without seeing. -
Have faith in God
Jesus spoke these precious words to his disciples after they had just seen a mighty demonstration of God’s power. It is His word to us today. Have faith in God! He makes the impossible possible, nothing is too difficult for him -
Episode 17 – The Wages of Sin
You have often heard about the wages of sin but do you really know what that means? Do you know that there is a temporal and an eternal dimension to the consequences of sin? Many people put of the wages of sin to the time of judgment but the wages of sin are being felt in or lives even now. Thank God Jesus has come, the bearer of the gift of God, eternal life