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The Covenant
The Love Covenant
May 18, 2020
Healing Chronicles : Healing is Salvation
July 16, 2020

The spirit of the Last Days

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Revolution and protest

The Church must wake up to the times we are in and stop aiding and abetting the emergence and domination of the spirit of lawlessness, we must come under a renewed obedience to Jesus and recognize that these are days that the prophets prophesied of.

The days that darkness covers the earth and the secret  power of lawlessness gains strength across the earth.

This manifestation will reveal itself in increasingly open rebellion against God and divine institutions.

We see this already in the feminist movements, the LGBT movements that has suddenly become the power block in many societies, a bloc that though numerically small exercises far greater influence in the decision making process in many countries than its number s could ordinarily give to it.

One of the most glaring examples of this rebellion is in the increasingly strident calls for the defunding of police in some states in the US, a call that is in truth a call for a state of anarchy.

The police as imperfect and corrupt as it could be represent law and order, being an arm of the Government that is divinely mandated to maintain law and establish order in society.

This power is working in families causing children to rebel against parental authority, in schools, where government policy makes it impossible for teachers to establish clear lines of authority etc.

All these things are done in the name of progressivism but they ultimately lead to a state of anarchy and confusion.

God’s word establishes clear lines of authority, structure and order for society, so that society may flourish and prosper.

The devil promises freedom and fulfillment but his kind of freedom leads to bondages so deep that only the power of God can break us from it.

The secret power of rebellion is at work wherever it can find a foothold and manifests itself in different forms across the nations of the earth

It is working to overthrow every divinely given social order and establish a system based on a demonic agenda and control.

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